We also said goodbye to a very dear friend of mine. His name was Kuhma and he was a 15 year old husky who was my bff when I worked at the daycare. We had a dinner in his honor at John and Heather's and said our goodbyes to him. I was glad the girls got to meet him last year when I went back for a week. Even though it's been a long time since I was able to see him every day I will still miss him terribly.
On a happier note we also had our first Dentist appointment! They have 10 and 12 teeth now (each have gotten 1 more since the appointment) and their teeth look great!
The one good thing about my Nana moving is that she passed on some really great things to us that I'm excited about. We got our hands on some small wooden bowls and a tray, a ton of old animal toys that I used to play with when I was a kid, scarves and handkerchiefs, Christmas decorations, nesting dolls (although they have Santa on them) some books, puzzles and games. Great Nana also gave the girls some special bunnies and teddy bears that I will make sure they cherish.
Nature and Outside Time
We enjoyed hanging out under the tree at Nana's, went for a few walks and ventured down to the nature trail behind the park to stay in the shade. It was so hot so we brought out the baby pool and tried to stay cool. They are still afraid of it so this week I tried getting in with them and they got right in. We did coloring outside with Auntie Liz and finally got the confidence to venture into the grass on our own. Mommy's in trouble now.
Sensory and Exploration

We tried a few more ideas from CanDo Kiddo including trying flashlight play and playing with cups on the coffee table some more. We did the carrot peel sensory bin again but this time I added apple peel too. This time they discovered it was much more fun to dump the bin and spread the peels all over the kitchen floor. I had to sweep anyway so I let them! We tried the beaded necklace bin again but added tissue paper, baskets and bells this time.
We colored more, this time with paper inside cake pans. They loved banging the crayons on the pan and the sound it made while they were making marks.
I made them a sensory bottle with an old spice container, some puff balls, a beaded necklace and beads. They were fighting over it all week and I was annoyed I couldn't find any other containers to make another one with!
We also did some ball exploration. I gave them a muffin tin full of different balls and set out our discovery box, the wooden bowls and a basket. They sat for over an hour tossing, rolling, dropping and chasing the balls. Jules even organized a few of them back in the muffin tin!
Music, Movement and Games
I was feeling some type of way this week (a mixture of anxiety, insomnia, sadness over my Nana's house, Kuhma and my babies getting big, etc.) and I was craving country music to sing out my sorrows with. For the first time in a long time I had the radio on most of the time. I don't know if they like it or hate it but we listen to plenty of their music most of the time and mama needed a break from it!
Our cups on the coffee table game was a big hit for movement with all that cruising practice but one of the biggest things this week was they've finally figured out how to push their push walker! We only have one and now they're fighting over it all the time! Luckily they're smart little girls who know how to improvise - they are pushing anything that is not bolted down at this point. Boxes, their stools, lare bowls, books, etc.
Our favorite movement activity this week was also our favorite game. Climbing up and getting down! Up and down off the couch, the slide, the chairs, everything. We've been practicing getting safely off the couch and beds forever and just this week they've discovered the confidence to do it all the time. The good thing (for me) and bad thing (for them) is that they can't get back up yet. So they sit on the floor and cry for me to put them up so they can get down. I'm waiting for them to connect the dots and figure out they can do both with the slide - which they figured out how to climb this week too!
Favorite Books
They are obsessed with their One Love book this week. They will flip through the pages and stare at them forever.
Favorite Toys
This week was all about scarves, bottle caps, cups and bowls. They're getting so great at manipulating things and you can really see their sense of accomplishment when they figure something out - like how to flip over a bowl to dump them out, how to reach something they've dropped or how to play peek-a-boo with the scarf.
The push walker was a big hit too, as well as the slide for the climber and they also discovered they can look out the window so they spent a lot of time there this week.
New Foods
Real cheese ravioli (we tried the baby kind on vacation and they hated it) and that's about it. Again, I was in a weird mood and didn't feel like experimenting much.
We have our trial day with our new friend here at home on Wednesday and have made some plans for a fun family day on Monday since Daddy finally has a day off! Have a great week!
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