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Jules isn't miserable, she smiled just before and after this pic I swear. |
I did monthly posts for their entire first year but now I'll settle down and do semi-annual (maybe tri-annual?) updates on my little ladies who are getting so big! It's been a whirlwind few weeks and if it weren't for my camera I don't know if I'd even remember half of what we've been doing. The girls are doing so many things, communicating more, playing and growing up a little more each day.
Jules took her first steps tonight! Viv took hers last week but hasn't since so we don't have walkers yet, thankfully, but we're so close! I don't know what I'll do then! I always tell people I'm not encouraging it, but what I mean is I'm not rushing it since my life will be that march harder. But it's not like I'm discouraging them - I'm just letting them figure it out. And they are!

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Best. Gift. Ever. |
Having R here has been great for the girls as they now to have someone to watch and interact with other than each other. They're talking all the time although they only really say a or sign a few words, it's mostly just a lot of sounds and noises. Jules discovered how to flip her lip with her finger and Viv's favorite thing to do is blow raspberries so that's fun! They both say Daddy, Mama, ca (for cat), ba for ball and, super randomly, teeth. They sign more, milk, eat and all done. They've recently started pointing at objects and things when I say the words. They know the meaning of no but mostly they just note the change in my tone of voice. I only say no when they do something I really don't want them to do, like stand on their chairs or push each other.
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Willow Pillow (coined by Jillian) and Jules - BFFs |
One of my favorite parts of having a big kid here is that I'm coming up with lots more play ideas that I can modify for them. They are playing SO much now and unless they're tired or hungry will play independently for nearly an hour without any intervention from me. Our new play space definitely contributes to this, as well as the fact that they have a huge yes space spanning the living room and play area so they are free to roam and explore without me needing to be right on top of them. They have just started really playing "together" as much as 1 year olds do - it's mostly side-by-side play but they are interacting (even if it's just exchanging a toy back and forth) and make each other laugh all the time. Today I heard them them giggling and looked out from the kitchen and they're in the tent, both laying on their bellies banging blocks together just laughing at the sound. This is by far the best thing about having twins - built in best friend and a play date that never ends. Sure in a few months they'll be driving each other nuts but right now it's awesome.
They are still nursing 4-5 times a day along with eating 3 meals and a snack after their afternoon nap. We've officially hit the picky toddler stage and they are testing their tastes, declining certain foods and refusing to try new foods. Luckily their favorite foods are super healthy broccoli, peas, cauliflower, avocado and almost all fruit. They have put their feet down about no carrots, squash or zucchini but are finally eating chicken and meat, but only if I put spaghetti sauce on it. Like their mom they would survive on cheese and crackers if I let them but I'll take what I can get right now and just keep offering them everything!
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We now have our PM snack on the living room floor 'cuz why not? Just don't tell Daddy! |
Like always time is flying by and I can't believe they're already almost 14 months old. What's even crazier is my sister was born when I was their age and I have SO much admiration for my own mother right now as I can't imagine having a newborn right now! We will be having a new addition in a few months though as I'll be taking in my nephew, Zack who is due in February, when my sister goes back to work. I can't wait to see how the girls do as big cousins!
Love this blog... Love you!
You are simply amazing!! I love reading these!! So informative for parents, and just fun for far away family!! Thank you for sharing !! Love you all bunches!!! (lol... love love love willow pillow!!)
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