What a beautiful, perfect day today. My incredible family and friends all came together to celebrate me and my girls at the best baby shower I've ever been to! Our girls, C and I are truly blessed to have such an incredible support system and people who genuinely love us. Some of my amazing friends from college came in to town, most of my family and C's and my mom's best friends even came, women I've known since I was born myself. My mom, sister, aunt and cousin threw the party and it was so beautiful! It was a gorgeous day, not too hot with a nice breeze and the decor was gorgeous. Everyone raved about the delicious food and fun but not intimidating or demanding games. It was truly a wonderful day and I am so overwhelmed with joy.

Now it's time to really get down to it! Organizing all the gifts and the nursery FINALLY!! June is the busiest month, hence having my shower after being out of work for over a month already. At least I spent the month getting the rest of the house in order, now I can focus entirely on the girls room and organizing our new world!
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